
I turn to face my adversary
So ominous is his presence
Sensing my fear and exploiting it
He haunts my world
And will not leave without a final stand

Ignore him though I may try
My attempts are futile
That is a battle that cannot be won
But if war strategies were to change
Victory might be possible

An ever-growing shadow
He looms threateningly in front of me
Yet pursuing in my wake
The time must come
When I will free myself from this ever-pressing curse

That time is now
No more will he appear in my thoughts
No more will he control me
No more will he remain an obstacle
For the time of conquest is now

Though I may fall several times over before he is gone
‘There can be no triumph without loss
No victory without suffering
And no freedom without sacrifice’
For every time I fall, I rise stronger than before

Incessant am I, til the clash is won
Unable to overlook, I stand and fight
Well aware of the hardship that may come
Scared though I am, the time is not for running
That is not this day

This day will be mine
Mine to reign over, in the glory of victory
You see, failure cannot be an option, persistence must win over
For until I overcome my enemies, my fears
I will never truly be free