Vermilion Flower

Hands like the feel of the warmest breeze across your face,
Up to your eyes closed
Two soft kisses upon each eyelid
Shall I go on, near your ears?
Trickling down your neck?

Shadows dancing, I whisper into your ear.
Hear the sound of my voice
And the breath wet upon your cheek.
My head rests on your shoulders wishing this moment would last forever.
You cannot look back for fear I may disappear.

Doesn’t matter now.
Sword in hand, you cut and cut;
But I hold your blade to my cheek.
What part of "it doesn't matter to me" don't you understand?
You try again

But a drop falls in the oily water beneath us
Leaving a vermilion flower
And you look…
Now I fade and there is no water and no blood
Just you alone
And the vermilion flower

...Walk away from me, my love