Love or Fear?

if you had to pick love or fear
which would you choose
would you choose love and hopefully
find something good in you life
or would you just keep on going
on as if nothing matter would
you ever admit that you hate
her but love her all in one
would you admit that you
were wrong and wish you could change
something you said

would you choose lover over fear
and live life to the fullest
and take every chance you could
just to see what god has planned for

would you realize that you were
wrong and sorry and tell the
person you said that rude
comment to and tell them that
they could not forgive you
and you would be okay but just
the feeling of you know that they
know that you are sorry and
love them and want to be them and
here those three simple words again
and out of their mouth again

would you put you heart on the
line for breakage or would play it
safe and keep your heart whole forever

you choose a boring life over
a possibly fun and dangerous yet
safe life full of
drama,love, lust, guilt, care, saddness,
anger, but over all love for the other
and hatred toward fear??