I Ain't Your Slave

It’s not fucking fair
For me
I do your work
I ain’t your slave
I wash the dishes
I do the laundry
I pay for food
I ain’t your slave
I clean litter boxes
I clean the rooms
I watch the kids
I don’t get paid
I ain’t your slave
I continue the work
I play very little
You promise rewards
I get none
No parties
No treats
I ain’t your slave
I cook the food
I walk the dog
I clean the pull ups from the little boy
I ain’t your slave
No movies
No shopping
No computer or fun
I ain’t your slave
Do your own cooking
Clean your own dishes
Clean your own bathrooms
Clean your own room
Do your own laundry
Babysit your own kids
Walk the dog yourself
Clean your own cats’ litter boxes
I ain’t your slave
Now or ever
I feel like Cinderella
But without the fairy godmother
Without the dress
Or shoes…
I do the cleaning
All way waiting for my prince to come
And the sadness to end
‘Cause I ain’t your fucking slave