Your Definition

Let me ask you a question
which has so many answers
It has no definition
Depending on your situation

Like the the mysterious sea
Full of secrets and wonder
It's beautiful at sunset
But sometimes it's harsh

For the waves come crashing in
Storms burst and the wind blow violently
Rain pours from the sky
And you wonder if you'll die

Like a rose which grows
From the seed to the flower
It will bloom like no other
It will be beautiful like no other

But roses die when not taken care of
When the sun is out
When theres not water
When theres no soil

Like a velvet cloth
Always smooth to the touch
And it looks and feels soft
Everybody likes to touch it

But what happens when it is useless
When the velvet is ruin
No one would want it no more
It will be discarded to the garbage

What is your definition of love?
Is it beautiful like the rose?
Is it only breathtaking for one moment
or like the sunset?

Is it violent like the violent waves
and the cold wind and rain?
Is it just lust
like the velvet fur?

Everybody has a different definiton
And when someone asks me
What does love mean
I tell them this

There's different kinds of love
But I always tell them
Love is giving the power
to break you're heart
....but trusting them not to.