Missing you

I sit here alone, staring into space
Wondering if your thinking about me
Because all I can think about is you

All I want to do is to hear your voice
See your smiling face
Feel myself in your arms wrapped up tight

But what is this I’m feeling
Lately I just don’t know
You’ve be distant and strange
Basically just different

Is it something I’ve done
Or something I’ve said
I just want to know

It feels like I’m no longer wanted
Sometimes just convenient
Something you know will stay
No matter what

So you take advantage of this young and lustful life
No matter what the price

Darling I miss you constantly
Even when your here
Something doesn’t feel the same
I guess I feel dead bare

I don’t know what to think
Or even how to feel
I just want you by my side
Even for a while

Baba, I love you
I really do
But it’s still early days
Things could go awfully wrong
But we never know
They could be perfect

If you were here with me tonight
Maybe I wouldn’t feel this way
But is it better that your not?
That way I can think

School starts soon and I’ll barely see you
That I know will take its toll on my little love stuck heart

Maybe I’m just lonely
And missing you like hell
that’s making me think like this

But my love, there is a reason
Even if not found
I have a feeling that when this is sorted out
I’ll be the one crying alone
The one that’s hurt
Feeling all the pain

Thinking of that outcome is making my eyes water
I want you here with me forever
But when does forever mean forever