Fluid moment

Sometimes I would stand and stare
Into the life I once had
Where I am now, I love
Where I was then, I hate
Uncontrollable emotion flowing
Taking a hypnotising effect on me
Showing me I no longer have to be
This tuff exterior
This dark interior
Once lost in what other people thought
Now I live my life free
My ears now listen to what I want to hear
My mouth now opens and flows with my own words
My body no longer bound under
The strings tied so tight around me
Pupating through life
I now walk free
No longer alone
You and others beside me
Now I take a moment or two
To digest the vast beauty of it all
That surrounds my every movement
But I pass through this phenomenon
That holds me close
But now no longer with
That feeling of tightly clamped strings
But a feeling
An emotion
That this world brings.