Greed and The Thief of Hearts

I am a deadly mistake.
I am a beautiful disaster waiting to strike.
I'm not your everyday vampire, luv, I don't feed off the blood in your veins.
I feed off your vulnerability and absolute love and trust in me.
I am Greed and the Thief of Hearts.
My looks could kill you with just one glance,
look into my eyes once and your heart is mine.
Kiss me once and you are mine forever.
My eyes glow like saphire blue in the dark.
My voice, soft and seductive entrancing you like a well made story.
I use my weapons well my heart is shielded tight
My Momma taught me well to use the gifts of deception my father passed onto me.
Your Mommy warned you of Serpents like me.
Clever as I am you will not know what hit you until it is too late.
You lay broken, confused, shattered.