If Only...

Why is it everywhere I go,
I hear your name
Why? I don’t even know
But since I lost you I haven’t been the same

Every time I close my eyes
I see your beautiful smile
But another piece of my heart dies
Realizing I haven’t heard your voice in a while…

Please, remind me again
Why did I end it?
I know our love was far from pretend
I dream of our days together, I can't seem to forget.

I can’t move on
I can’t even say good bye
But now that you’re gone
I keep asking myself, why?

I can’t sleep anymore
I’m pretty sure I’m going insane
What did I break up with you for?
I had no clue I could feel so much pain.

I want to go back to the times before
But now I see you’ve moved on and left me here
You don’t care about me anymore
So I guess I’ll just disappear.

Do I mean absolutely nothing to you?
I know it’s my fault and I’m sorry
My love for you was always true
But I can’t stand not having you here with me

I truly wanted to give you my heart
But can you blame me for being scared?
I’m sorry we grew apart
But I guess the feeling wasn’t shared.

So I stand here before you
Heart broken and crying
I no longer have clue
But I feel like I’m dying.

But I saw you walk away
And into a broken bliss
My silence was begging you to stay
My heart stopped beating, and felt this emptiness

Hollow and alone
I fucked up my life
As I now walk this world alone
And stare at the tempting knife

Should I?
I picked up the knife and stopped
Do I really want to die?
I looked down sadly as the knife was dropped.

I look at my mirror and see your face
Why must everything taunt me?
I’m sick of this place!
Why can’t I ever just be happy?

I threw myself into the mirror that only brings me pain
And as it shatters at my touch
Pieces of glass are now embedded in my vein
I let it bleed, hoping I might lose too much

Why do these feelings haunt me?
What is this something I can’t forget?
Oh now I can finally see…
I’m drowning in regret.

I keep seeing pictures of what we used to be
There goes everything I used to live for
But now life loves to mock me!
I don’t want to deal with it anymore!

This pain is killing me inside
Why do I have to suffer for it?
No one cares if I die!
How could he just forget?!

My vision blurs with more tears
I’m dying and I know
Why am I haunted with my fears?
I’m tired of putting up a good show…

My cell phone rings
Bring up your picture and name
I can’t find the sanity your voice usually brings
If only you could see my shame.

I feel so weak
You sound so lonely
But I can’t even speak
If only, if only

If only I could say
I love you one last time
If only I could wish this pain away
If only I could honestly say I’ll be fine

I can hear your voice crack
And I can almost see your tears
I slowly fall further into the black
I close my eyes and only your smile appears

My heart starts to ache
When you tell me, what I’m dying to hear
Your voice starts to break
When you confront me with your fear

If only this wasn’t it
If only I could have told you I love you
If only I hadn’t drown in regret
If only I hadn’t lost you…