Foreseeing The Future

The bell rings out in triumph.
In our minds, we gather our dreams
And regard the future with high hopes.
We will not let our aspirations ruin
Our relationships full of love;
Of the future we will not cower in fear.

Complete independence some do fear,
But we will not go down in ruin,
For we can never let crumble our dreams.
Up in the sky will be our hope;
We will soar to the top in complete triumph.
Through others’ support and others’ love.

Through the years, we will fall in love;
Then our hearts might be buried in the ruins,
But of heartbreak we must not have fear;
We must suffer in order to triumph.
We cannot put a stop to our hopes
And we cannot lose sight of our dreams.

What a privilege it is to dream,
And what a feat it is to have hope
That the future contains mostly triumph.
We must focus on good things such as love
Instead of the contents of terrible fear
Of failure and life ending in ruin.

Inevitable failures should not ruin
Our chances of happiness and love,
Neither should they exacerbate our fears.
Even if we do not always have triumph,
Failure drives us to create new dreams
That we achieve through determination and hope.

Some might say what keeps us going is hope
And determination to reach our dreams.
Happiness and jubilation come from love
Of what we do, not regretting the ruins
Of our past and of our tremendous fears;
We must work and study hard to triumph.

We are driven by our hopes and dreams;
We refuse to be ruined by fears.
Through love and hard work, we are bound to triumph.