Pain, Hope, and Despair.

You lie to me.
I'm honest to you.

You tell me I love you.
I tell you I love you too.

You say you'll never hurt me.
I say I believe you.

You say you'll make it all better.
I say I hope so.

You say your always mine.
I say then I'm always yours.

You say, I'll wait forever to finally be with you.
I say, Then so will I.

But one day, you say it's over.
I say, but.. but.. why?!

You say my 'rents made me.
I say Okay.

You ask, if I'll be yours again, if they change they're minds.
I say, I'm always yours, forever and always.

Awhile down the road.
I found out you lied.

When you said,
My 'rents made me.

I cried.
And cried.

Till one day,
I found out why you lied.

You tried to make the break up,
a lot less painfull then it had to be if I knew the truth.

She told me,
He didn't mean to hurt you.

He really didn't.
And I feel bad.

Because I feel like it's sort of my fault.
If I didn't start talking to him again.

You'd still be happy.
Then, so would I.

I feel guilty for what I did.
And, I'm sorry.

So now.
I wait.

For your desicion.
On who it's going to be,

Who you seem to love more.
Me, or her.

She's an amazing girl.
And If I don't deserve you.

She does.
So now.
We wait.

For who gets to be happy.
And who gets to just be happy for the other girl.