Life = Maze

Life is like a maze
Theres only one way in,
And theres only one way out.
Everyone walks the same path
But when you come to a different dead end
than someone else,
You wonder whats wrong.
When really, its not you,
Its them.

Maybe the dead end is your life.
Or maybe theres a hole in your dead end,
To make it not a real dead end
That will lead you to a new part of the maze.
All you can hope for is that you didn't put yourself
In a new part of the maze.

A part that leads to bad instead of nice,
Evil instead of good,
Hell instead of heaven,
Lucifer instead of Micheal,
Devil instead of God.

Your lifes a maze.
What's done is done.
And you can only hope to move
In the right direction.
You can't retracd your steps in this.
Life is like a maze.