I love you...but why can't you love me?

I love you, but you just don't know it yet
I miss you
I want you
I want to hug you kiss you just be yours.

But it looks like that that will never happen cause,
u don't know me, well u don't even know that I exist
when I first saw you my heart skipped more than one beat
It still does the same when I see you, you are so beautiful
if you could only know the love for you that I have
I would give my heart and soul to be with you

But when I saw you with her it broke my heart into a thousand,
no million pieces...I wanted or tried to hate you but I couldn't I could never hate you I love you too fucking much. I cried 3 weeks now, I haven't eaten much or had any sleep
when I still see you I just want to brake down into tears cause I love you so much
but I just simply can't, I think that all my tears are gone I can't even cry any more
I just want the pain to go away...should I cut myself?
should I kill myself...No
I can't I just can't because u wouldn't want me to do that
so I guess I wont...
I guess I'll have to be strong, and maybe...just maybe
love will find a way and lead you to me
just like how I always wanted it to be.

xoxo EK <3