
No one understands me.
I don’t understand me.
One minute I’m who I think I am,
The next I’m not sure who I’ll be.

No one understands me.
I can be two people, two lives.
Fire and Ice, Dark and Light,
Who I am, who I’ll be mystifies.

No one understands me.
I am not who you think.
I can be full of light
Or annoy you to the brink.

No one understands me.
Two souls live in one,
Two lives hold does one,
From the night and from the sun.
(by Royal Amethyst,

No one understands me.
It seems no one tries.
Am I really so bad
That no one cares if I cry?

No one understands.
Who ever will, ever attempt?
If I can’t understand myself,
Will anyone have a hint?