
Flying high,
like an eagle in the sky.
Running free,
like a cheetah on the Serengeti.
I swim the oceans,
dash across continents.
I go to class naked,
fight off crazy clowns.
I can do everything and anything.

A daring escape,
or a jungle adventure.
A tropical cruise,
or a hot date with that cute boy from Chem.
Everything that can happen does.

I dream that I fly to a faraway land,
and I dream of playing crazy games in the sand.

I dream of me all on my own.
And I wake up crying from that thought alone.

I dream of a life with no worries or cares,
and I dream of a life with no one there.

But dreams are just dreams,
and when the next day arrives,
I’m still just as I was,
with no tears to cry.