
When the end drew nigh
There was excitement
And thrilling nervousness
But when the end arrived
A chasm opened up inside
A vast stretching expanse of black
But is it empty?
Who can say?
For the emotions that swirl
Deep in my heart
Make me feel empty and alone
Yet complete regardless
It is a strange finality
My head knew it was logical
But my heart grieves at the occurrence
It begs for a further explanation
Why do beautiful things make one weep so?
Because they eventually must end?
Or maybe they didn’t satisfy
The heavy load strains my heart
But makes it stronger yet
For no matter how strange I feel
Or conflicted and confused
And no matter how sure and logical I am
No matter that my head and heart are clashing
No matter that it is being torn apart
Waging an internal war on itself
For I have never felt more humanly alive