The Ballad Of Madeline McCann

It was in Portugal,
You were on holiday,
Your parents went to dinner,
When they took you away.

Your parents checked you every half hour,
But between nine and ten,
They took you in that hour,
They took you to their den.

Poor little Madeline,
We search for you night and day,
In Portugal and in England
Tell us were is it that you stay.

We miss you darling Madeline,
We need you back someway,
Oh if we'd found you safely,
On your birthday,12th may.

We need to know what happened,
And who took you away,
We hope to find you somehow,
We hope to find you someway.

Little Madeline McCann,
You have been missing for so many days,
We're still searching for you daring,
Great Britan, for you, prays