Last Thought

Standing all alone
I take another hit
Standing by the wall
I’m feeling kind of sick.
I knew I shouldn’t have come,
But then again
I wasn’t supposed to be alone
I was meeting with a friend
My presence is meaningless
And I’m all alone
In room full of people
I think it’s time to go
But I don’t turn to leave
I do not know why
But I know at this point
I probably shouldn't have lied.
Because I was stupid
I had no sense
I’m standing there drinking
And in my hand a cigarette's lit.
I’m not yet eighteen
And yeah I sneaked out.
My parents were sleeping
And I feel bad about that.
People are yelling
And some are dancing
The music is loud
And people are laughing
And in one short second
The party is dismissed
With the sounding of sirens
Everyone splits.
At this point
I’ve had a few to many
So I stumble out
To find my way
Into the darkness
I know it’s not safe.
But the police are coming
What else can I do?
I can’t get caught!
I’ve had too much booze..
There is one thing
That I can do to keep safe
So I put on my seat belt
And head out to race.
My vision is blurred
But my hearing is fine
I’m doing okay
Just cruising in line.
It was then that I noticed
Something outta place
The red and blue lights
Dancing on my face.
I know what this means
So I pick up the speed
And little to my surprise
I was stopped
But I wasn’t pulled over,
And there wasn’t a cop.
And with one big crash
I feel it all
Something had stopped me
And that was a brick wall.
And with that
Very last thought
The pain disappears
And a casket is bought
My loved ones shed tears
As they all gather
At a closed casket service
Because my body is shattered.