Little Red Beads

Little red beads
So innocent
Seeping through my flesh
The pain is real
I am alive
But not for long
Just wait and see
I’m slowly hating what has become of me

The shame I feel
Is all so real
Delay it shortly with a silver blade
Pressed against my vein
This is it
I am done
One more cut will be the end
All because of you

No time to think
Just hate and fear
Driving me insane
I’m tired of this sick game
That I only play
To cover the pain and shame
Hidden deep inside
All because of you

And once you knew that I had told
I was the only one you could blame
For that stupid mistake that cost you your games
You just wouldn’t listen
There was no way
To stop all the thing you were about to say

After that day I was on my own
I can’t live without you
Is all that I know
So here I sit with my silver blade
Testing my self hate
I make the final cut
The room is fading fast
Everything is a blur
What have I done?