The Girl No One Knew

There once was a girl, whose name wouldn’t matter to you,
She was dark, and scary, and brooding, too.
Her eyes were gray, brimming with tears,
Trying to hide from the world all of her darkest fears.
She was shy and quiet, hardly ever said a word,
And no one knew how her mind could fly like a bird.
She was pudgy and tall, no one noticed at all,
The beauty within her thick little skull.
She never really changed as time passed by,
Only getting sadder and sadder with each little lie.
Her back always straight, her head always down,
She was the perfect wallflower who always tended to frown.
Step by step she moved closer to the edge,
Letting tear after tear fall over the bridge.
Her mind said jump, her heart said don’t,
And she said to herself, ‘I know I won’t’.
She walked away that day,
Her heat glad to be beating to stay.
She would never tell a soul of the time,
When she made that terrible climb.
She still walks the halls of an old building,
No one knowing of the despair she was feeling.
Her lips were sealed, her mind protesting silence,
Until the wounds of violence started to heal.
And still she cries in the middle of the night,
Knowing that no good things come without a fight.
Her head still low, her mind still dark, and messages left on her small phone,
She knows that she’ll never have a good thing to call her own.
For the vain and arrogant block her way,
Shoving her farther and farther into the shade.
Always alone, that she knows of,
And to never know what is true love.