Simply Breathing

I breath in, I breath out
And yet I am not alive
My cold eyes
And empty heart
Should be a sure sign
But no one cares
That I’m simply breathing

Plaster on that smile
Attempt to look happy
Pretend everything’s ok
Days getting longer
Losing my will to try

Fill the tub with water
Grab the razor from within the drawer
Make the first cut
Let the blood run out

Control the pain
Enjoy the pain
Make me feel something
Make life seem real
But it’s all an illusion
It’s all just an act

Take a deep breath
It’s gonna be the last
Think of what lies beyond
The joy that awaits

No time for notes
No time for apologies
I’m tired of this place
The timing is perfect

Drag the blade
Slice the skin deep
Water turns to crimson
Life plays before my eyes
A smile fills my face
Finally there is peace
I am simply breathing no more