
I advanced, afraid: I'd never felt such coldness
I danced, I prayed: Covered my fear with boldness
I cried, I grinned: Not always on my game
Sometimes I lied, sometimes I sinned
My victories and failures had become the same

My eyelids drooped: I was no longer as light as a feather
But I regrouped: I brought myself together
Wide awake. I'm not here for the fame
Never again will I be fake
For the sake of love, pride, or shame

Reached out, found love
I was cared about, thought of
Those who He adores...I smiled at my friends
Smiled to myself because I kept finding doors
When I thought I'd find dead ends

I smiled at the world
Because I knew they were hurting too
I smiled at my family
For all I know they do
I smiled at my friends
"Wouldn't be here without you."
I smiled to the heavens
For making all my dreams come true