
What kind of ‘emotion’ do you hold in your heart?
Pain? Sorrow? Loneliness? Depression?
If all those emotions mean nothing to me, then do I have feeling?
Do I have a heart?
If I can witness the death of someone close and not be saddened,
Does that mean that my heart is dead?
Humans can kill one of their own and still laugh about it.
How do emotions work?
Does the heart hold the emotions?
Or does the brain hold the emotions?
Even if someone acts like one thing, they are most likely another.
A family member could be a spy.
A friend could be an assassin.
People talk about love and hate and happiness so easily.
It’s like they know exactly what they are.
If you can talk about your feelings so easily,
Then why do I never see them?
Not everything is visible, nor can be seen by the eye.
Love is not visible, yet it exists.
Hate is not visible, yet it exists.
“How can I see everything, yet see so little?”