
Ever since you have left,
My heart has burned with desire
the greatest tourture

Left alone to rot,
aching with raging desire
my heart throbs for you

Words could not express
The feelings I feel with you
Two stars in the sky

Fireflies light the dark
Beautiful songs sung by night
flow over me once more

If you hadn't left
I wouldn't be lost and in agony.
you were my whole world

That fiendish charm, oh
how did I ever fall for it?
Nothing could compare

Empty promises,
made by the very clever, shrewd fool
haunt me in my dreams.

Howling in pain
Splashed on my tainted soul
blood on my spirit

Chains bind me to you
Chains of unspoken hatred
And I can't pull back

The sad dream shatters
Light fills my dreary room
the daytime has come

And yet...this feeling
But the hate must not be false
My love for you stays

Obsession? No
broken fragments of my love
are bound close to me.