The Seed

The seed we plant into people crawls
It conspires and dreams
It grows and eats its way out
It screams in hunger
It begs to see the life break at ever little chance it gets
How ever theres always the one seed
It lays dormant waiting for the right moment to burst and be free
The seed of loveā€¦
It bursts and blows a hole where we call our heart
The attraction to the one we love
The steamy passions
The age long fight for control
The one seed only a person can curse the sickness for
The one desire your lover can curse
The graceful touch upon your skin leaves you flying in the blast
The kiss placed upon your lips kills the hateful seed of regret and anger
What a powerful seed
The one who chooses life or death
The one who chooses the one you love
The seed that gives u pleasure never once felt between bodies