I Was Distracted As An Irrational Thought Came to Mind

And these kids clash
Like rocket ships
In a fear filled arena
On a Friday night
When we've all got the a bad case
Of the Sink or Swim Syndrome,
So c'mon, Honey,
We can pull it through
Only three more hours until
The sun comes up;
We've got a cage sinkin' in,
And when we tried to run away,
We all got caught up
In the deep purple
Of the same California sky
That we'd seen only twice before
It's not my fault that
I can't stay away from Tom,
But I could have been
First place
If you'd just let me race;
I just wanted a small gesture of thanks,
And who says I'm stealing ideas?
I just saw them on the kitchen floor
Ready to be used,
So I grabbed them
Just a little too quick;
We all got whip lash
From the backseats of our cars,
I really don't mind the description,
Of the boring Tuesday mid-day sun,
I wish I may,
I wish I might,
I only wish
I'm the only one tonight;
I know it's irrational,
But I don't like feeling like I do,
When I see the other girl walk in,
And it's too embarrassing
To admit that I hate,
I absolutely hate,
Being alone
I deserve more than a story,
I deserve more than a catch phrase,
I deserve more than one Sunday a month,
I deserve more than you,
You call me arrogant,
But, oh my, Darlin' Dear,
I'm just trying to be more than
A line in a book
And a horoscope
In an outdated magazine