See you in 20 years my friends!

A since from a movie plays over and over in my head, of ARMY warriors matching.

well they die? will they live?...

They can't run and hide, they wont run in hide...

i cry... wishing i could die...

They promised... to keep in touch! it was a lie....

Whats going on Puppy did you really get married?

Kitty Japan! JAPAN! how are you doing there? is your lover with you ? is it forever or just a visit?

Mouse...Mouse were are you? no ones see you for a year!, your father is 'worried' and so am i !

Puppy i just got word your in Iran! are you OK? No ones heard for you in two years! I don't want to lose you!

Kitty same goes for you! No one's heard for you...not even you family or any of your friends! or maybe it's just me....

am I really you threes friend?

Mouse are you still in the US? you never answered me! so I'm taking that as a no....

I cry everyday for you all... I think about you all everyday...but I'm afraid this might be the end....

I Love you all.... Even if this is the end of our friendships I Still Love you all!