Leave Me Be

In all fairness, and constancy, Leave me be.
Let me be, as I would, as if a light on its own to shine,
I pray thee, to, if by some heavenly rite be so kind,
Refrain from prying bars and gnarled brambles.

So as to myself, prosper, destitute of malformations,
That the true essence or being that lies dormant within me
May coalesce in this world as it would naturally and perhaps even fortuitously all its own,
So that your foul misinterpretations and snide remarks may be rendered void.

Until that time, unknown to all, know that I share merely the most fundamental commiseration towards you.
With each passing day, hour, minute, you find ways upon this earth to attempt irking and unhinging of my constancy,
So, in this incognizant trepidation that you so attach yourself to,
Manage some sort of coherence, cohesiveness, perhaps even some sentimentality if you realize any.
So that I may, put some reason to understanding you, however slanted and twisted your notions may be.

You are obtuse, superficial, and dispensable, in my eyes, you truly are.
You require deflation, refinement, and reform.
How reluctant you are to change.
How nonchalantly you pass each day, hour, minute.
How even seconds can be as opportune as eons and years to you.

You and I, we are not so unalike that I cannot see how ridiculous your actions are.
With each repeated contradiction and unsound inconsiderate move, you, of all people,
Manage to plunge even further down the crypt you so wander aimlessly in.
I will give your actions that: consistency.
You seem so readily available to prod and ply me with your “wit” and cumbersome presence.
Though, for your sake, I will bide by, for the sake of the entire extended tree.
Whose branches, could so be severed and bark be split, hewn by so frivolous an affair.
So I ask of you, return to your crypt, so far away from here.

Dine upon your bones and rot, forevermore. And succumb as such as you wallow in your catharsis.
For the subtleties you fail to see, for the mind that you simply cannot contain.
Close your mouth, mind, and heart.
I begin to wonder if any were open at all, before all of this began.
You could not fool me now, if such was your intent from the beginning.
I was not so blind, and deaf, as you are now.
And before you send bones upon my humble aplomb,
Perhaps you should be gathering bones for yourself.