A Valentines Message

I wrote this in my English class in school on Valentines Day. I wrote it in about 10 minutes so it's not the best poem ever. Yeah I know it's kind of cheesy, and I'm not really in love with anyone, but you know...comments are GREATLY appreciated ^__^

A Valentines Message

I notice you from a distance,
I see you everyday,
But you'll never notice me,
Not ever, no way.

Whenever I see you,
Whenever you walk by,
I get happy and light headed,
But nervous and butterflies.

You will never know my feelings,
My thoughts and dreams too,
My hopes and my fantasies,
About me and you.

I just wrote this message,
Because I thought you ought to know,
There's someone out there who likes you,
But who, you'll never know.
