Your little game.

Walking through the winter snow.
With the smooth whistling of the wind flow.
I would of guessed.
You were putting me through some sort of test.

Hold your head up high.
Bite your tongue while you lie.
Shoulders back.
Pick up your slack.

Look me in the eyes.
Keep your mind on the prize.
Save your breath.
Don't talk yourself to death.

Lets play a game of catch.
I throw, you fetch.
It shouldn't be hard.
It's just a game with my heart.

Take it easy.
It's easily bruised.
Don't drop it on the floor.
Sweetie, It cant fall anymore.

I hate how this feels.
It couldn't be anymore real.
You threw my heart across the field.
I thought this deal had already been sealed.
I can see it falling and falling.
I can't catch it in time.
My heart was yours.. It couldn't be mine.
You've made it,
so therefore,
you can break it.