Cheaters and Lyers

You know what I hate the most
Is when people lie throughout the coast
Crying almost never comes
While the guy just sits and humms
I have always wanted too see
Never ever doubt me
The truth might hurt
It can make you feel like dirt
But would you rather find out now
Or later and feel like a cow
Ignorance is supposed to be bliss
But what happens when another girl he does kiss
Cheating is the lowest low
It can not be wrapped up with a bow
People cry and say I didnt do it
They can act like thier having a fit
I don't give any second choice
You never get to hear my voice
We are done and I won't look back
You should go while I hit the sack
My friends want you dead
Even if a tear I never shead
They care for me like a sister
Goodbye little mister
Watch your back the love me bunches
Don't be suprised if they throw a few punches
Don't talk to me or ask to be forgiven
I don't roll that way thats not how I'm livin
This whole thing was a mistake they told me that
I never thought you would be like that
You screwed up for the second time
They wana squirt you in the eye with lime?
Don't come back
I leave you in your tracks
Peace out