What We Are Taught

As we age,
We are taught.
Right from wrong.
Good from bad.
Happiness from sad.

But for the most,
We are taught to hate.

From Science,
We are taught to hate the world.
What it has become.
What we will become.

Biology teaches us,
To hate those who brought us to this world.
And those who keep us here.

We come to hate ourselves
And hate hateful creatures.
To punish those who are weak
To despise those who meager.

We are jealous creatures
Uncontrollable if nothing else.
Scared of anyone who is smarter.
Loathing those who are more successful.
It is Society.

Society teaches s to hate.
The very ideals which form and nuture us...
Turn us into monsters
Cutting each others throats.
Romancing thoughts of menace.

We are hateful.

But to survive,
We coalesce - come together.
To spread our hate
To teach it to others.

But how do we go on?
So filled with hatred?

We have music,
which teaches us love.
Those few who are enlightened
Spread the word of love.