All Parched

There was a girl in a mocking quarter,
All quiet and left so still.
She wouldn't dare to move a marker,
it was as if she was very ill.

The door was locked, the room was dark.
There wasn't any window to help her escape.
The lonely hours with no enough air to gasp,
wasn't of any help.

And then she cried "I need a hand!",
She couldn't take anymore.
Her hope was deeply written on the sand,
But was erased by seawater on the shore.

Suddenly, someone has arrived.
It sounds like it was going back and forth.
She couldn't help but to feel terrified,
Accused and pessimist on court.

A thin streak of light peeked in the room,
It was by a sword bore on the wall.
For once in her stay, she doesn't feel a little doomed.
ease and hope went through her soul.

A warrior in a metal armor flew in her eyes,
She couldn't see his face at all,
But she was certain he was kind.
His stance, dark by the bright background, make a random call.
The warrior is such a pretty role.