doll maker

as she sows the life of the many dolls she makes
the lonely doll maker wishes for love
as she sow her life experiences
she see the beauty she has made
from her imagination her prince
poor doll maker all alone
in a world who sees her differently
a weird child with no parents
but as the clock strikes 12
she is ready and she finishes her prince
and like the rest she places a kiss upon them
but this one she has given her all with tears and love and she she kisses
him he awakes
because the doll maker has given him a soul
now the poor lonely doll maker wont be alone
and her and her prince
will live forever
as the day comes people come to look and all they see is a doll that looks just like the lonely doll maker and her latest creation her prince charming
as sorrow gave away she became happy because now she is with him her love
her lover and her forever