My Fortress

Sitting high in my tower
A man passed below and offered me a flower

Black as night it bloomed
To darkness it was doomed

It was a kindred spirit to me
Never would it be free

From the night's greedy grasp
Chains of shadow on it would clasp

Oh how i wanted to descend
I knew the man could mend

Me, but allas
My tower made of glass

Has no door
Just this one top floor

The window was my only view
Of a world I so wished I knew

The man saw this and left
Of feelings I was bereft

The indestructable fortress
Would be my downfall I confess

Looking down I saw
The man had not left after all

He had brought a ladder
My heart could not be any gladder
♠ ♠ ♠
Just so you know I used alot of symbolism in this. :]