I Tried To Keep Them Around; Just One Summer Long

The God I try to believe in,
You better promise you're
Taking good care of them
Coz I swear,
I would have kept them warm
If I weren't just a little girl
Compared to them all
I hope you keep them safe,
I hope you never let them escape,
Though I need to see them just once more,
I'm tired of the apologetic people
Who say it's okay,
When we all know it's not
Even though we've all given it a shot
I wish I would have taken a picture
Made the moment last
Too long
This will hurt me more than
You will know
Becuase all I do is worry
And lay in my parents bed
Six hours at a wake
Eighteen combined,
I wish they were still here
For another round of doubts,
Becuase we doubted you all the time,
But never had the guts to say,
I'm curious as to why
I was your summer target, God
You took all of my friends
And the family I loved,
and you wonder why I find it
Difficult to believe in you
When you've taken all I've got