And We'll Just..Coast

I wish
that i could find some type of
great field of flowers.
And just coast.

I just want to go back
to those good old days
where'd i come to your place after school.
Not a care in the world.
Just hangin'
Those were fun times.
Those were magic times.

We didn't go anywhere,
We didn't NEED to go anywhere,
We didn't go off looking for things,
We didn't have homework,

But those days will be back,
and this time,
we will go off looking for things.
And we'll find that great field of flowers.
And we'll just coast.

It's like a dream.
We'll be dancing
and singing
and laughing
and we'll fall down
and we'll be so happy
and our faces will hurt from smiling
and we'll relax in the flowers,

And we'll just,