What happened to The Circle will never break apart?

What happened to best friends?
I am gone and you forgot me.
As if I go in and out f style like trends.
You were my helper with the key.

So many things I went through with you.
How many years hav passed by?
It was deffinitly more than a few.
For 3 years you listened to every sigh.

Every tear you cried into my shoulder.
But now you discard me like we never met.
We were the best of friends now theres a boulder.
I told you I was leaving, the date was set.

It seems like you believe 3 states tear us apart.
So you just stop talking to me.
Every night we used to talk, now its so tart.
Its not like we are seperated by the shinning sea.

I have been gone 4 weeks 4 days.
Is that enough for me to loose you?
My saddness is its own person, a blanket she lays.
Now we are like rubber and glue.

It hurts to know I have lost someone so dear.
Someone who was always there.
Is this what I get for not being near?
For now on I guess this is what I shall bare.

I have no one to fill your place.
Even if I am already forgotten in your heart.
In mine there will always be a space.
I can't find a new friend at the shopping mart.

Tears I do shed
To my best of friends
Whom was I thought would be there until the end
Good-bye I won't forget you, it never depends.

The distance is just as fake as hate.
It can be conquered when your minds set to it.
But I will take the bait.
You don't need me anymore, I will go without a fit.