*** you *** you *** you,

Fuck you, im done living in your world,
done with you telling me what to do,
how do live my life,
im fucking done,
im tired of being called names, and told to get the fuck out,
well you've told me you dont want me, and you dont care about me,
thats enough,
i had enough of this bullshit from you dad,
& im done with it,

You said you dont care,
you dont care that im in pain,
cannot wait till i move out, so your life will begin,
Fuck you,

im so fucking pissed its unreal,
i try to hide the tears, the fear,
the marks on my heart that you've left there.

you've stabbed me so many times in the heart,
it hurts, i need my time to get out, think and be alone on my own,
if you're going to be like this,
Slapping my brother doesnt help,
its abuse, and my family doesnt abuse my other half,
no matter who the fuck it is,
im done with this shit, i want to leave,
i hate this home, and the people in it,
all we do is, cry, fight and argue, call eachother names, and
tell eachother off,
well you've said to much now here daddy, you've torn my heart away,
and im stuck here thinking,
does my daddy love me..?