Cut your self off from the world...

go out and buy a labtop, buy Wi-If to your bed room then lock the door tight. go to the corner of your bed room and sit... just set the all day and night infront of the little sceen. log in and just stare... not more or breathing...just staring.... at what who cares...why what for? what is the perpose !? why dose there have to be a a reason....maybe i just want to hurt my eyes! maybe i want to go blinded...maybe i hate the world...maybe i love the world... maybe i hope to find the answers to life on the screen!

never coming out to eat until fell like i'm going to the door take a quick look around and dash out and dash back in, in less the a mintuie. holding only a water bottle and a 'fiber' bar... lock the door again... Why? you may ask...i don't have a reason nor am i going to try and come up with one!... What am i looking for...what am i waiting for....maybe i'm just waiting for the world to open up and swallow me! maybe death even... i do not wish to die... i'm just morbid that way... maybe thats just another one of me 'dieases' i have...

this isn't normal is it... sitting alone waiting for something, but not knowing what i'm waiting i really even waiting for anything, maybe i'm just lazy and i don't want to do anything... then why am i here now writing this...

so many things left un asked and un answered... i'm no longer my self.. i've changed some much...and i fear that nothing will be the same... will that change things?

they said to me "don't cry you must be stonge" so i did my because to never cry... but something happen that i can't explain and i can't stop the tears now...

I get closer to me little corner and hope that time would speed up. then i wish it would slow down or just stop! But if that happens i might have to hide forever which i can't bere to think about... What can i say...i'm a disgraces to the human races... but i'm still fighting for the furture but not like you three are... i'm just a baker what can i do... give them food piosoning!

my furture looks dim, hopes and dreams of leaving this scumy city fade as the truth shows the facts i'll be here tell i die, so if you can come and visit me... if you want that is.... i wont wonder to far maybe a mile or 2... I'll be waiting hope and pray...and most of all i'll be missing you all and i'll never stop loving you all...