Confused and Waiting.

Never have I been this confused in my life.
So many mixed signals,
so many goodbyes..
What is that you're trying to say?
A secret code you hide behind,
Tell me straight,
I'm not that hard to find..

Don't let me get my hopes up , Dear,
Don't let me fall again.
You know when I say I love you,
I'm saying it as more than a friend..
When you put me to sleep at night,
I have many dreams of you.
And the next day I see you,
I know you've dreamt of me ,too.

So confused, yes,
but a new adventure is rising.
I can feel it in the air now,
a fresh start, a new begining.
Don't let me fall for another trick,
Leave me feeling ashamed..
Make my new wishes come true..
Let me have you.

As I listen to all of the songs,
that have reminded me of you,
I remember the times we've shared,
and the times we've helped each other get through.
Even when you didn't know it,
you saved me, and I loved you.
Even when you didn't realize it,
you left me, and I loved you.
And still, even as you read this,
you know I love you.

Maybe it's all too much,
maybe too soon or late..
But time is going by now.
Don't make me wait.

As you put me to sleep,
I see you every night in my dreams.
And as I dream of you tonight,
There is a part of me awake,
just waiting until I see you,
in the morrow light......