Autumn Days.

Autumn days,
with the amount of breeze,
such a day I love to go out.
I sit here,
in this lonely park,
and think about my past days, and future days.
I lean back and let my hair
flow in the wonderful air.
I love autumn,
this weather,
these days.

hands roughly grab me,
taking me by surprise
because just a minute ago when I looked around,
it was just I.
I try to scream,
but they are prepared for it and cover
my mouth with some strip of clothing.
I kick my legs and
thrash about,
trying to get away.
They basically drag me,
to some place of the park I have never been.

It all happens so fast..
The sounds of two voices,
speaking a language I do not understand.
Hands grabbing me and touching me,
holding me down as I try to run.
My muffled screams can't be heard,
but I try anyway.
My clothes are ripped from my body,
and the cold air rushes over me.

I don't even know how many of them
there are...
I don't,
Blurry they are,
as my eyes fill with tears.

I don't know what they will do,
but I'm scared.

As my clothes go,
so do theirs.
I kick and hit as hard as I can...
But no luck.
I'm tied down now.
With no where to go.

They take with hatred,
and they use me to the max..
I cry from the pain,
from the fustration,
from the fear.

I shudder everytime they touch me,
it makes me want to throw up even more.
Their hands on my untouched body,
makes me feel horrible.

When they are done,
I lay there.
With the rope tied to my wrists,
with the filthy peice of clothing shoved in my mouth,
with blood stained on me,
and my naked ,used, body shivering.

Before they leave,
I look up at one of them.
I look into his eyes and wish that he would die
a painful death.
That they all would die in the most awful way.
I wish I'de never come to this park.
I hate this weather.
I hate the wind.
I hate this park.
I hate these men.
I hate myself.

They hit me and kick me before they all laugh
and say stuff to the others.
I watch them as they go away.

But then one of the men turn back and comes towards me.
I try my best to get away,
roll away even,
but he is there to stop me.

He smiles right at me, and smirks.
He reaches towards my face and grabs ahold of my chin,
forcing me to look at him.
He takes the cloth out of my mouth
and he stays there,
kneeling infront of me,
smirking and smiling his most evil smile.

I spit at him.
And that smile is gone.
Before I know it,
he back hands me and I'm to the dirty ground again.

He gets up and walks away,
leaving me there with my hands tied
and my cheek burning from the hit.

Hours pass by.
I'm cold.
I'm alone.
I've been staring at the same spot for
what seems to be forever.

I can taste my own blood.
I can feel their dirt on me.
I can still feel their rotten hands on my body.

This time I do throw up.

I lay back down on the ground afterwards.
And I stare at the sky
as it gets darker.
I've been silent these past hours since they left.
And remembering all of that they did to me,
using me,
marking me,
raping me...

I scream.