promises were lost with the childhood i never lived

sit and wait
wait for anything to change
mabye you'll change
mabye i'll change

we prommised eachother
a better life
a life without the sugar
a life without the shit
we promised to make it out alive

but we lost our real selves
along the way
of fighting
fighting for hope and desire

so we said our goodbyes
and goodnights

so i moved on
kissed a prince or two
you found me and told me
your the only frog that was my prince

i left someone i knew would have loved me
for someone who i knew loved nothing
and i couldn't love
but i did
cuz i am searching for our love
we once had

love isn't suppose to have an experation date
but ours did
our love should have been disgarded and forgotten
a long time ago
so now i sit and wait
wait for my prince
who i know will never come.
for i am not looking for just any prince
i am looking for him