
Careless and carefree
He jumps around having fun,
He doesn't care who sees
He doesn't care what he's done

His hair is everywhere
As he dances his dance,
This boy has no fear
He stands strong in his stance

He has the most beautiful eyes
But he insists on hinding them,
I ask why but all he tells me is lies
One day he'll tell me, but when?

He seems so strong
This is something i've never felt,
But i couldn't be more worng
He's broken and too scared to ask for help

How many people like him are there?
Those who lie about how they really feel
Because of the reaction that they fear,
Instead they stay broken and never heal

They sit alone in the dark
While people call them names,
Each one of them leaves there own mark
As they cut deeply through their veins

It sadens me to think of them
Cold and alone wthout anyone,
But one day they'll get help, it's just... when?
I know by experience, it's not much fun.