The We That Never Was, Is Over

So I guess this means we’re over
I’ve cried my eyes out and pounded my fists against the wall
Not that any of it does any good
You’re not coming back
I already called you this summer
I hoped you would miss me
But I hoped I wouldn’t care
Eleven minutes filled mostly with awkward silence and meaningless small talk
I shouldn’t have even called
It didn’t help, all it did was hurt
I still wanted you, and you had hoped I was her
I can’t drive by your house without praying I’ll see you
But when I stop I pray you’re not there
What would I do if I saw you?
Slide down in my seat and hope you wouldn’t see me looking so pathetic and weak
But I’d hope you did, hope that you would finally realize what you did to me
I wish I could hide from you but I can’t, and part of me doesn’t want to
I go to school down the street from where you live, I drive past your house twice a day
One of these days, we’ll run into each other again
What will we say?
Somewhere inside me, I love this little town, where so many of my finest memories live
All I wanted was to be yours
I don’t like being owned, but I wanted to be owned by you
I tried to forget everything I felt for you, but I wouldn’t
I didn’t want to
I thought I could bury you, I thought I had to
But pretending to love another boy didn’t fool anyone
We all knew it was fake
I’m no actress
He got jealous and I sat closer to you
What were you trying to do?
If I didn’t know you better I would think it was all just a game
Maybe it was, maybe I was too stupid to realize
You didn’t want me enough to keep me, but you wouldn’t let him have me
Were you trying to save me?
Were you trying to be my knight?
You saved me from him, but you can’t save me from myself
Now I’m alone again, not that I can call this alone exactly, it’s better than before
Will I cry when I imagine you in the hallway?
I know I will miss you even more when I go back
Why was I not good enough?
After everything you did and said
And everything I said and did
Why was I not enough?
I wish there was something I could do
But in reality, I’ll just sit here and miss you
There’s nothing else to do
No matter how busy I get, I always make time to depress myself with your memory
I know I should have let you go already; I always have before
Of course, you’re nothing like before, there was never anyone like you
I wish I could let you go
But I know I don’t want to
I know I want you back
I also know that will never happen
I need to let you go
It’s for my own good
But I don’t seem to be able to
What happened to the brakes?
They were always there before
Where are the damn brakes?!
I need them now more than ever