Scared yet happy to be free

My life has just been racing by,
One day im simply a baby bird
the next you say im ready to fly.

though my future is blurry,
And My path is still unclear.
I wish i would have taken more time
to cherish what is dear.

like soccer practice, and friends,
And even just last night,
ive let my good times pass me by
and that is just not right

My final year of high school
im so scared to be free
out alone in this world,
with just lil ole me

What if im doomed to fail
be a nobody the rest of my life
and all everyday brings me
is more late bills and more strife

But what if i do make it big
what if im the next rising star?
what if to get to my dreams
i dont have to travel that far.

So ill keep on my path
no matter how unknowing it may be
and try to stop and smell the roses
cause i'am finally free :D