Words of an 8 year old

Animal Poem:
Cheetah, Cheetah, so fast and mean
Why do you run?
How do you eat?
Where do you live?
What do you do when it rains?
When will you walk?
Cheetah, Cheetah, so cool and lean
I think you shouldn't play with me

Color Poem:

Orange is the color basketballs are.
White is the color of a car.
Grey is a rat.
Blue is a mat.
Red is a color in my school.
Yellow is so cool.
Green is the color of my ball.
Gold is the color of leaves in the fall.
Pink is the color of my wall.
Purple I see in the mall.

I am:
I am funny and cool.
I wonder if I could live on Mars
I hear bugs.
I see colors.
I want to go to school.
I am funny and cool.

I pretend I am a mom.
I feel good.
I touch imaginary money.
I worry about my mom.
I cry for my dad,
I am funny and cool

I understand math.
I say I believe in God.
I dream I am a singer.
I try to respect others.
I hope to live to be 100 years old.
I am funny and cool