The One Breath That Lasts Forever

Walking the streets of
A freshly fog covered
Cobblestone path

Her hair straight as a vine,
Golden and long
She walks with such elegance
That even the queen herself
Would be jealous

Her eyes blue like crystal,
Eyes that have seen the past,
The present and the future for eternity
The memories locked forever in her head

The skin like a china doll
White like snow
Cold as ice
Almost glowing in the moon light

The clothes bought centuries ago
Now on her back

Her footsteps
So soft
So quiet, yet there was but one noise.
A faint heart beat
Thump thump
Never to cease

The smell of old roses
Reeked off her body
Leaving a trail of her sent

She walked up to her home,
A castle built in 1609 of stone
Towers kissing the sky, windows lit by candles
Each stone cracking telling their own story

She opened the door
With a silent creek
Entering a candle lit hallway
Where she stays

As the sun goes up
Chasing the moon away.