An Ode to Phil

Story behind the poem:

When i went on exchange in Japan me and my friends ditched a guy named Phil at Tokyo Disneyland. He talked and annoyed on of my friends heaps so i wrote this to day in a study for her.


How do you feel,
Knowing that i cried.
I was alone and friendless,
Only a bag at my side...

I saw you on the Teacups,
And on Pirate's too,
I almost died of hicups
Oh my! What to do!

I spent the day with Snarey*,
looking like a fool.
Because you went and left me,
Well dah im way to cool!

Well now i have my Physics
Chem, Jap and Maths 2.
All because i'm lonely,
All because of you...


* Snarey is this really odd teacher who went on the trip with us