A Seven Letter Goodbye

Can you hear it?
The slowly dying heart beat?
Can you see everything I've tried to forget?
Did you know I still loved you after your deceit?
You lied to me, but I forgave you
So am I not good enough?
I loved you so why couldn't you be true?
So why do I have to act tough?
I gave you my heart
You gave me lies
Don't you dare ask if we can restart!
Why don't you take a look through me eyes?

"Girls meets boy and gets a crush
Oh yes the cliche tale
Yet the relationship lacked trust
So it was condemned to fail.

She thinks he's the one
He thinks she's the flavor of the week
To her life is dull when he's gone
To him it's just memorizing the lines to speak.

Boy makes and excuse for why he wasn't there
Girl naively believes every word
And boy doesn't care
He knows the lies she heard.

Her friends try to warn her it isn't real
But girl only seeks comfort from the boy
She thinks she knows how he feels
There's no way he would just use her as a toy

But he continues to feed her those lies
Until the girl sees him with another... together
And she feels like her heart has died
What happened to forever?

Girl's heart is broken and crying
She had a feeling her friends were right
But she didn't want to believe that he was lying
But she still ended it that night.

Boy gets mad
And then he comes around
Screaming at her like he cared about what they had
So boy hits her until she falls to the ground.

She's crying and scared
He said he loved her!
He told her, he cared!
With another hit her vision blurs.

She wakes in the hospital the next day
Did he hate her that much?
Did he really just beat her and walk away?
Now she shudders at the thought of his touch."

Yes that is the story I have to tell
Never fall in love
It only end in hell
Something I can't take anymore of...

"Boy sees girl and knows he's won
Even if she's swears she's fine
Boy doesn't know what she's done
Girl is headed for a straight line

Boy passes girl a note
Written with a four letter lie
Boy smirks, eager to see what she wrote.
She responded with a seven letter goodbye.